Thursday, 6 November 2014

Take Charge! Focus on the Host not the Bug

“It’s going around”.  How many times during the winter months do we hear and say this in reference to cold or flu?  The fact is microbes—bacteria and viruses are all around and inside of us, yet most of us are not perpetually suffering from this proximity.  The germ theory model that many of us have been believing tells us that exposure to a certain bacteria or virus will result in inevitable illness.  But this just isn’t true.  Pathogenic microbes feed on environments where decay, disease, and disorder are already apparent.  It is the level of compromise in the host that determines susceptibility to ‘dis-ease’.  A body that is well taken care of is well prepared.  

So how do we take care of ourselves?

Þ Wash your hands.
Þ Invest in yourself with quality and sufficient sleep.  Having trouble with this one?  Talk to Dr. Chelsea and John about ways to improve your sleep.
Þ Eat whole, pure, natural foods as much as possible.  The quality of foods you eat determines the quality of building materials for cells and tissues.  Be aware that sugar impairs your immune system for hours after consumption and contributes to overall inflammation.
Þ Boost your consumption of vital nutrients and minerals.  You might do this with a daily green smoothie, or by taking the nutrient-powerhouse chlorella.  We like to do both!
Þ Get enough vitamin D—a broad spectrum antibiotic in its own rite and key for optimal immune function.
Þ Get moving!  Our bodies were designed to move and all systems work best when we provide kinetic stimulus.  This is when we feel our best too.
Þ Stay hydrated.  Hydration is critical for all body processes and helps to flush out toxins, and maintain mucosal linings.  Also know, that in a dehydrated state your body releases more histamine during an immune response.
Þ Maintain your care schedule outlined by Dr. Chelsea.  Your body’s immune response is a carefully coordinated and regulated reaction involving many types of cells.  Each of these cells is controlled by the nervous system so be sure to have your nervous system cleared of any interference.
Þ Millions of bacteria inhabit our bodies and many strains are particularly important in the gastrointestinal tract where they outcompete harmful microbes.  Support your health gut flora by taking a probiotic supplement.

 And finally, let your body do its thing!  Have a runny nose or cough?  Understand that these responses are not the illness.  They are your body’s natural and deliberate response to interference (mention the word “interference” to us and receive 10% off Probiotics during the month of November) it is important not to suppress them.  Suppressing our immune capabilities can prolong the imbalance a bug may causing, and drive it to affect more tissues.  Often we get caught up in symptom-talk but these responses are not signs you have an illness but signs that your immune system is up and going and on the job!  Your health this winter and always is in your hands.

The more we can spread this message it will be true health that is going around and not fear—wouldn’t that be nice?

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